Iranian maritime fleet listed on IMO whitelist

TEHRAN – Iran’s maritime fleet has been placed on white list of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), thanks to the set of measures the country has taken to preserve and enhance maritime safety, according to the managing director of Iran’s Port and Maritime Organization (PMO).
The PMO’s official website on Saturday quoted Mohammad Rastad as saying that one of the measures leading to the promotion of maritime safety is preparation of hydrographic maps of the ports and dredging.
“One of the other tasks to increase maritime safety, which has been done by the Ports and Maritime Organization, is the establishment of navigational assistance symbols in ports and waterways,” Rastad said.
“Creating a naval rescue fleet is another step taken to ensure maritime safety,” he said, adding, “According to the Marine Search and Rescue Operations Scheme, the Ports Organization Fleet will be stationed in different parts of the northern and southern coasts and the marine search and rescue coordination centers are required to plan and act in response to emergency situations at sea.”
“To ensure the safety of sailing, continuous technical inspections and safety of ships and vessels are on the agenda of the Ports and Maritime Organization,” he added.
“One of the tasks of the organization’s inspection and control officers is to ensure that the vessels that enter the ports of the country have the necessary safety standards and, prevent them to enter if the ship or flotation does not meet the required standards,” Rastad stated.
He went on to say that the measures taken by the PMO to maintain and enhance maritime safety have led Iran to stand among the world’s top countries in terms of standard and fleet safety.
“The issue of safety at sea is very important, and if ships lack the necessary standards for maritime safety, they naturally endanger the lives of people.”
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